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Her name is Julia. She is from Italy. Julia is sixty - three. My grandmother is a pensioner. Julia likes to play chess. She plays chess very well. But I don t play chess well. My Granny sometimes cooks tasty pies with cabbaga.
In winter my grandmother and I go to the mountains. There we ski. Julia is a theatre - goer. She often goes to the theatre. Sometimes my grandmother takes me to the theatre . We have a wonderfyl time there. Julia is a clever and nice woman. I love my Granny.

What she (to do) in the mountains?
Julia (to do) a theatre - goer?
How often she (to go) to the theatre?
With whome Julia sometimes (to go) there?
Julia (to be) a clever and nice woman?

natvolckov: Помогите очень надо
sanishka897: Чем помочь
natvolckov: ответить на вопросы


Ответ дал: yana132112223
1. in the mountains she skied
Yes, Julia is a theater-goer
. It often goes to the theater
She went with her granddaughter
5.Julia clever and good woman

natvolckov: спасибо огромное
yana132112223: Не за что
natvolckov: прости но ты только на 4 ответила
yana132112223: Потому что в 4 ты слово написала не правильно и я не смогла его понять
yana132112223: Все ,исправила.
natvolckov: а понятно
natvolckov: еще раз спасибо
yana132112223: Не за что
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