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Some boys join the navy when they are young. One of the important things they (1) (teach) _____ (2) (be) _____ how to swim. In one school for sailors the swimming instructor was very good. One year, however, he (3) (have) _____ one particular boy who (4) (seem) _____ quite unable to learn to swim. The instructor (5) (give) _____ him extra classes. He (6) (throw) _____ the boy into the pool at the deep end, and (7) (hold) _____ him up with a rope which (8) (tie) _____ to the end of a fishing-rod. The poor man (9) (use) _____ every possible way before he (10) _____ defeat. One day the boy (ll) (call) _____ aside by the instructor. John,I (12) (try) _____ very hard to teach you for a very long time, but I (13) (fail) _____ for the first time in my life. I can't do anything more," said the instructor. "But before we part, I want (14) (give) _____ you a piece of advice. If you (15) (be) _____ ever on board a ship, and it begins (16) (sink), _____ just (17) (jump) _____ into the sea, (18) (go) _____ right to the bottom and (19) (run) _____ to the shore as fast as you can! This is the only way you (20) (be) _____ able to save your life."


Ответ дал: Lopok228
1 teached 2 was 3 was 4 seemed 5 gave 6 throw 7
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