1) .... new trousers are very good.
.... suit me more nicely.
a) my , they
b) my , it
c) hers , they
d) mine , it
e) her , its
2) The news made her ....
a) cry
b) cries
c) cried
d) to cry
e) crying
3) The message .... in English an hour ago.
a) was written
b) is written
c) are written
d) written
e) were written
4) Responsibility is ....
1) a duty to deal with or take care of somebody or something.
2) to become well after you have been ill
3) disagreement between people
4) a weapon that shoots


Ответ дал: Ksenia5538
1) - a)
2) - c)
3) - a)
4) - a)

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