TASK 2. Write the possessive case, singular and plural, of:
Actor, king, fairy, calf, child, goose, lady, monkey, mouse, ox, woman, deer, eagle, princess, elephant, man, witness, prince, fox, farmer, countess, mouth, horse, day, year, lion, wolf, thief, Englishman.


Ответ дал: Pollinakras
Possessive case:Actor's,king's,fairy's,calf's,child's,goose's,lady's,monkey's,mouse's,ox's,woman's, deer's,eagle's,princess's,elephant's,man's,witness's prince's,fox's ,farmer's countess's,mouth's ,horse's, day's,year's, lion's, wolf's,thief's, Englishman's.
Singular:Actor, king, fairy, calf, child , goose , lady , monkey , mouse, ox,woman , deer, eagle , princess , elephant , man, witness , princess , fox , farmer , countesses , mouth , horse , day , year , lion , wolf , thief , Englishman.
Plural:Actors, kings , fairies, calves, children , geese , ladies, monkeys , mice, oxes,women, deer, eagles , princesses, elephants , men, witnesses , princes, foxes , farmers , countesses , mouths , horses , days , years , lions , wolfs , thieves , Englishmen.
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