Underline the correct word. I organized a surprise party for my friend, Edith, last weekend. All the guests arrived early and waited 1) quiet/quietly until Edith got there. When she walked through the door, we all cheered 2) loud/loudly. We went into the garden because it was a very 3) warm/warmly day. The guests gave Edith 4) nice/nicely presents and Edith thanked them 5) sin­cere/sincerely. We danced 6) happily/happy to the music and had a 7) wonderful/wonderfully time. The party was 8) successful/successfully.


Ответ дал: kuroiuma
1) quietly; 2) loudly; 3) warm; 4) nice; 5) sincerely; 6) happily; 7) wonderful; 8) successful. 
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