прошу!!! СРОЧНО ПОМОГИТЕ!!!Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в форме Past Simple или Past Progressive.
1. Peter and Ann (decide) to redecorate their sitting-room themselves.
2. They (choose) cream paint for the woodwork and apricot for the walls.
3. When John (look) in to see how they (get) on, Ann (mix) the paint, and Peter (wash) down the walls.
4. They (be) glad to see John and (ask) if he (do) anything special that day.
5. He hastily (reply) he (go) to the theatre and (go) away at once, because he (know) they (look) for someone to help them.


Ответ дал: studentpoliglot
1-decided,2-chose,3-looked,were getting, was mixing, was washing,4-were,asked,was doing,5-replied, was going, went, knew, were looking.
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