Ex. 116. Complete the sentences with the verbs in Present Simple,
Present Perfect , Past Simple or Past Continious.
1. They (to go) … to the Tate Gallery last week. 2. They (to be) …
to the Tate Gallery twice this week. 3. After school yesterday he (to
come) … home, (to have) … dinner, (to read) … an article from the
latest magazine and (to begin) … doing his homework. 4. “When
your friend (to return) … from the south?” “He (to return) … yesterday.
— You (to go) … to the station to meet him?” “No, I … , I
(to be) … very busy.” 5. I (to see) … this film this week. I like it very
much. 6. When I (to enter) … the kitchen, I (to see) … that my mother
(to stand) … at the table and (to cut) … some cabbage. She (to
cook) … dinner. 7. As soon as I (to hear) … a cry, I (to run) … out of
the room and (to see) … that a child ( to lie ) … on the ground and (to
cry ) … . “What ( to happen ) …? Why you ( to cry ) … ? You ( to
hurt ) … yourself?” I asked. 8. As soon as I ( to see ) … him I ( to understand
) … that he ( to work ) hard. He ( to write ) … something
and ( not to notice ) … anything. 9. When I ( to come ) … home yesterday,
the children ( to run ) … and (to sing ) merrily. “ We ( to learn )
… a new song!” they cried. 10. When the young man ( to enter ) … the
room , she (to look) … at him in surprise. “ What you ( to want ) … to
tell me?” she ( to say) … . “Why you ( to come ) …?” 11. It ( to rain ) …
hard when I ( to leave ) … home yesterday, so I ( to return ) … , ( to
put ) … on my raincoat and ( to start ) … again. 12. “Your brother ( to
return ) from America?” “Yes , he ( to come ) … a few days ago.”
13. “You ( to be ) … to France? Where you ( to be ) … there?” “I (to be)
… there in 1997.” 14. “Where ( to be ) … your brother?” “He just ( to
come ) … home. He ( to take) … a shower in the bathroom now.”


Ответ дал: nunny
1. They (went) … to the Tate Gallery last week.
2. They (have been) …
to the Tate Gallery twice this week.
3. After school yesterday he (came) … home, ( had) … dinner, (read) … an article from the latest magazine and ( began) … doing his homework.
4. “When did your friend ( return) … from the south?” “He ( returned) … yesterday.— Did you ( go) … to the station to meet him?” “No, I didn't, I
(was) … very busy.”
5. I (have seen) … this film this week. I like it very much.
6. When I ( entered) … the kitchen, I (saw) … that my mother (was standing) … at the table and (cutting) … some cabbage. She (was cooking) … dinner.
7. As soon as I ( heard) … a cry, I ( ran) … out of the room and (saw) … that a child (was lying ) … on the ground and (crying ) … . “What (has  happened ) …? Why are you (crying ) … ? Have you (hurt ) … yourself?” I asked.
8. As soon as I (saw ) … him I ( understood) … that he (was working ) hard. He (was writing ) … something and (did not notice ) … anything.
9. When I ( came ) … home yesterday, the children (were running ) … and ( singing ) merrily. “ We (have learnt )… a new song!” they cried.
10. When the young man ( entered ) … the room , she ( looked) … at him in surprise. “ What do you ( want ) … totell me?” she ( said) … . “Why have you (come ) …?”
11. It (was raining ) … hard when I (left ) … home yesterday, so I (returned ) … , (put ) … on my raincoat and ( started) … again.
12. “Has your brother (returned) from America?” “Yes, he (came ) … a few days ago.”
13. “Have you (been) … to France? When were you there?” “I (was) … there in 1997.”
14. “Where (is ) … your brother?” “He has just (come ) … home. He (is taking) … a shower in the bathroom now.”

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