Hi Bob

Read a boy's letter and learn what his hobby is.Fill in the gaps with the Present Perfect forms of the verbs in the table above.
I fell so excited, because this weekend I'm going on a trip to Florida!We're going to fly there!
You know how mad I am about planes.I(1)..... lots of magazines about different airplanes and (2)..... many models but I (3)..... never ........ by plane before.We (4).... always..... by train or by car.My Dad (5).... already..... our tickets.I wonder if I can have a window seat?I(6).... never ......down from a plane before.Have you?It must be interesting!
(7)........ you ..... your poster about reptiles yet?I think I could take some pictures of crocs in the Evedales Nature Park for you , if I'm lucky.


Ответ дал: MereНастя
1) have read. 2) have collected. 3) have never flown. 4) have always traveled. 5)has already bought. 6) have never looked. 7) Have you finished.                                                                     

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