Complete these sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets:

1 What can we do to reduce the ………... (pollute) of the atmosphere?

2 The change in the climate has produced ……….. (disaster) floods.

3 Many rare species are threatened with …….. (extinct).

4 Many of the gases produced by factories are ………. (harm) to our health.

5 Exhaust fumes have ………. (damage) effects on the environment.

6 Many countries must try and control the growth of the ……….. (populate).

7 Protecting the environment is essential to our ……… (survive).

8 The ………. (protect) of the environment is everyone’s responsibility.

9 While some countries get richer, the ………. (poor) in others gets worse.

10 Millions of people in the world are threatened with ………. (starve).


Ответ дал: nunny
1 What can we do to reduce the pollution of the atmosphere?
2 The change in the climate has produced disastrous floods.
3 Many rare species are threatened with extinction.
4 Many of the gases produced by factories are harmful to our health.
5 Exhaust fumes have damaging effects on the environment.
6 Many countries must try and control the growth of the population.
7 Protecting the environment is essential to our survival.
8 The protection of the environment is everyone’s responsibility.
9 While some countries get richer, the poverty in others gets worse.
10 Millions of people in the world are threatened with starvation.

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