ЗАПИШИТЕ ВОПРОСЫ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mag walked in the park. Where did-------------------------------------------------------The weather was fine.Was----------------------------------------------------Max will ride his bike next Sunday.When will---------------------------------------------------------------------Mag waters the flowers every morning.What does------------------------------------------------------------Max liked his scooter and shared it with me.What did------------------------------------------------------------ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА

kirill07170: гд з
marinavoronina2: стр 38 упр3
kirill07170: зайди в г дз там всё есть всё готово уже
marinavoronina2: куда зайти
kirill07170: в я ндекс набери готовое домашнее задание 4класс рабочая тетрадь Биболетова
marinavoronina2: спасибо
marinavoronina2: а это задание которое я задавала вы правельно сделали
kirill07170: вроде да
kirill07170: ну всётаки в г дз зайди
marinavoronina2: хорошо спс


Ответ дал: kirill07170

1) Mag walked in the park. Where did..Mag walk.in the park..?

2) The weather was fine. Was..the weather fine........?

3) Max will ride his bike next Sunday. When will...Max ride his bike next Sunday?

4) Mag waters the flowers evere morning. What does....Mag do every morning. waters the flowers.?

5) Max liked his scooter and shared it with me. What did....Max like.his scooter and shared it with me.....?

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