Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. When is your … birthday? – My … birthday is (on) 1st May. 2. Do you remember your mother’s … birthday? – Yes? I do. 3. His … uncle is generous and her … aunt is very kind. 4. That … man is very clever. His … book is recognized by a lot of people. 5. They know our … address. 6. Their … son speaks Englishvery well. 7. My cousin’s … dog is small. Its … hair is curly. 8. Is this … watch? – No, it isn’t … watch, it’s … pen. 9. This … pen is good, and that …pen is bad. 10. I can see … pencil on your … table, but I can see no … paper. 11. Give me … chair, please. 12. They have … dog and two … cats. 13. I have … spoon in my … soup plate, but I have no … soup in it. 14. My … friend says he is going to be … millionaire one … day. 15. Would you like … orange? 16. Mr Smith is … artist. Mrs Smith is … poetess. She is not … singer.


Ответ дал: demavi
1.-. 2-.3-.-.4-.5-.-. 6-. 7-.-.8 a.a.a. 9-.-.10 a.-.-.11 a.12a.-.13a.-.-.14-.a.-.15an.16an.a.a
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