Как написать по англискому 15: 10, 21: 15, 14: 45, 17: 40, 19, 25

dasha02072006: А можно предложением


Ответ дал: ShirokovP
15:10  -  it's ten past three pm
21:15 - it's a quarter past nine pm
14:45 -  it's a quarter to three pm
17:40 - it's twenty to six pm
19:25 - it's twenty five past seven pm
Ответ дал: izabella9
Думаю, что так
15:10 - it's ten past three pm....
21:15 - it's a quarter past nine pm...
14:45 - it's a quarter to three pm..
17:40 - it's twenty to six pm...
19:25 - it's twenty five past seven pm...
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