Помогите, пожалуйста,  решить тест:

1. Tom’s aunt brought him _____ after his parents died.

a) to b) up c) out d) in

2. I ____ to do any homework yesterday.

 a) didn’t need to b) shouldn’t c) couldn’t d) mustn’t

3. A teacher came into the classroom while we _____ to the music.

a) listen b) were listening c) listening d) to listen

 4. _____ ever anything about our next term curriculum?

 a) Did you hear b) Do you hear c) Have you heard c) Had you hear

 5. My friend can’t _____ bad behavior of youngsters.

a) fear b) feel c) agree d) stand

 6. By the end of the next week they _____ the results of the exam on History.

 a) will have known b) will be knowing c) will have been knowing d) knew

 7. You’ll _____ tell your parents about this accident.

a) must b) had to c) need d) have to

8. _____ learn Irish properly?

 a) Is you going b) Are you going c) Are you going to d) Do you go

9. I am fond of _____ different foreign coins.

a) collected b) collecting c) to collect d) collect

10. If I had known you were in hospital, I _____ you.

a) will visit b) would visit c) would visited d) would have visited


Ответ дал: Psyxo

1. Tom’s aunt brought him b) up after his parents died. - Тётя Тома воспитала его после того, как его родители умерли.

2. I a) didn’t need to do any homework yesterday. - Мне не нужно было делать домашнее задание вчера.

3. A teacher came into the classroom while we b) were listening to the music. - Учитель вошёл в классную комнату в то время, как мы слушали музыку.

4. c) Have you ever heard anything about our next term curriculum? - Слышали ли вы когда-нибудь что-нибудь о программе нашего следующего семестра?

5. My friend can’t d) stand bad behavior of youngsters. - Мой друг не может вынести плохого поведения младших.

6. By the end of the next week they a) will have known the results of the exam on History. - К концу следующей недели они будут знать результаты экзамена по истории.

7. You’ll d) have to tell your parents about this accident. - Ты должен будешь рассказать родителям об этом происшествии.

8. c) Are you going to learn Irish properly? - Собираешься ли ты учить ирландский должным образом?

9. I am fond of b) collecting different foreign coins. - Я увлекаюсь коллекционированием разных иностранных монет.

10. If I had known you were in hospital, I d) would have visited you. - Если бы я знал, что ты был в госпитале, я бы навестил тебя.





Ответ дал: Klaumer

1 up

2 didn't need to

3 were listening 

4 have you ... heard

5 stand

6 will have known

7 have to

8 Are you going to 

9 collecting

10 would have visited

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