Напишите предложения в страдательном залоге:
1) John Napier designed the costumes for you.
2) They serve dinner from 7 p.m. onwards.
3) They have translated this book into 20 languages.
4) The company will publish the new Harry Potter book next month.
5) You can`t use cameras in the museum.
6) The Mayor will open the new gallery on Wednesday.
7) Tina bought children two video games.
8) The manager is dictating a letter to the secretary right now.
9) Katie sent me an email yesterday.
10) She always reads a fairy tale to her children at the end of the day.
11) You should send this letter right now.
12) His parents named him after his grandfather.
13) They grow coffee in Brasil.
14) They will translate her book into Russian.
15) The teacher explained the material.


Ответ дал: dbrshn
1. the costumes were designed by John Napier for you
2. dinner is served by them from 7 p.m. onwards
3. this book was translated by them into 20 languages
4. the new Harry Potter book will be published by the company next month.
5. cameras cant be used in the museum by you
6. the new gallery will be opened on wednesday by the mayor
7. children were bought two video games by tina
8. -
9. an email was sent to me by katie yesterday
10. the children are always read a fairy tale by her at the end of the day
11. the letter should be sent by you right now
12. he was named by his parents after his grandfather
13. the coffee is grown in Brasil
14. her's book will be translated into Russian by them
15. the material was explained by the teacher
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