Поставьте глаголы, стоящие в скобках, в зависимости от смысла, в Past Indefinite, Past Continuous, Past Perfect или Past Perfect Continuous:

1. He not (to see) me as he (to read) when I (to come) into the room. 2. When he was in Gorki he (to visit) the places where he (to play) as a boy. 3. The telegram (to arrive) five minutes after you (to leave) the house. 4. It (to rain) hard last night when 1 (to leave) the office. 5. The train could not stop because it (to travel) too fast at the time. 6. When I (to call) for my friend, his sister (to tell) me that he (to leave) half an hour before. 7. I (to shout) to him to stop, but he (to run) too fast and not (to hear). 8. Large crowds (to wait) at the station when the Soviet delegation (to arrive). 9. When I (to hear) the news, I (to hurry) to see him. 10 We (to walk) to the station when it (to begin) to rain. 11. He (to sit) in the garden when the storm (to break) out. 12. He (to thank) me for what I (to do) for him. 13. When I (to wake up) this morning, the sun (to shine) high in the sky. 14. Before he (to enter) the Institute, he (to work) at a plant. 15. The manager (to leave) the office before I (to arrive). 16. When 1 (to go) to the room the next day, I (to find) the books exactly where I (to leave) them. 17. We (to walk) for about two hours when at last we (to see) the lake.


Ответ дал: galina572319
1. He didn't see me as he was reading when I came into the room. 
2. When he was in Gorki, he visited the places where he had played as a boy. 3. The telegram arrived five minutes ago after you had left the house.
4. It was raining hard last night when you left the office.
5. The train could not stop because it was travelling too fast at the time.
6. When I called for my friend, his sister told me that he had left half an hour before.
7. I was shouting to him to stop, but he ran too fast and did not hear.
8. Large crowds were waiting at the station when the Soviet delegation arrived.
9. When I heard the news, I hurried to see him.
10. We were walking to the station when it began to rain.
11. He was sitting in the garden when the storm broke out.
12. He thanked me for what I had done for him.
13. When I woke up this morning, the sun was shining high in the sky.
14. Before he entered the institute, he had been working at a plant.
15. The manager had left the office before I arrived.
16. When I went to the room the next day, I found the books exactly where I had left them.
17. We had been walking for about two hours when at last we saw the lake.

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