раскрыть скобки и поставить глаголы в Present Perfect или Past Simpl.

1.My best friends is called Alison. We (know) each other (1) since we (be) five years old(2).We (always/share) our problems and our troubles (3), but we (also/enjoy) good times together (4) and (spend) many hours laughing together (5). We (live) next door to each other (6) before Alison (move) to London (7). I (visit) her many times sinse then (8). She (just/buy) a new house (9) but I (not/see) it yet (10).


Ответ дал: polkayanush
1. Knew
2. have been
3. Always shared
4. Also enjoyed
5. Spent
6. Lived
7. Has moved
8. Has visited
9. Just bought
10. Haven't saw

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