вставь пропущеные слова из рамки doen't; does(2); do; wants; interesting holidays; to LONDON; do sports; to go; pictures.

1 what......... Mike want to do?

-He......... to take................ now.

2 what......... she like to do ?

- she doesn't like to .......... .

3 ............. Rick want to go ................. ?

- No, he doesn't. He wants............... to WASHINGTON.

4 ............ YOU want to have ......... .............. ?

- of course, I do!


Ответ дал: Teramisy
1 does
wants to take pictures
2 why she doesn't like to do?
Do sports
3 does want to go to London?
To go
4 do you want to have interesting holidays?
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