Упр. 2. Перевести слова, выбрав соответствующий модальный глагол. a) may; b) must; c) should. 1. Let’s wait for her. She (возможность) be on her way. 2. You (следовало) have started the treatment earlier. 3. You (нельзя) not smoke. 4. The doctor (должно быть) be making a round of the district. 5. Your sister often complains of a headache. She (следует) consult a neurologist. 6. This patient (возможно) have already undergone the necessary examination. 7. One (нужно) stay in bed and follow the prescribed treatment not to get complications. 8. (Можно) I listen to your heart? 9. You (должен) take the medicine regularly to be well again. 10. You (должен) begin to take care of your health from childhood.


Ответ дал: stupinanefedova
1. Can
2. May,can
3. Must
4. Must
5. Can
6. Не знаю .. после модальных глаголов частичка "to" не употребляется.
7. Can
8. Can; can't
9. Must
10. May
11. Must
12. По идее тут "did" , но это не модальный глагол. Не знаю.
Ответ дал: parljukljuba
1 may be 2 should 3 mustn't 4 must 5 should 6 may 7 should 8 may 9 must 10 must
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