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1. I (try) contacting my pen pal when I (be) in the United States, but she (change) her address and no one (know) where she (move) to. 2. He (be) very nervous when he first (drive) in Britain because he (not, drive) on the left before. 3. When I (hear) his voice on the phone, I (know) I (speak) to him before. Then I (remember) I (already, meet) him. I also (remember) that I (not, like) him very much. 4. I'm really sorry I (be) so late last night. – That's OK. We (not, wait) long. 5. Robert (move) from Manchester to London in 1988. – How long he (live) in Manchester? 6. We (just, start) lunch when the telephone (ring). 7. Andrew was late for school yesterday. When he (get) to the classroom, the lesson (start). 8. They (wait) until everyone (be) ready and then they (start) the meeting. 9. (you, catch) the train yesterday? – No, it (already, leave) when we (get) to the station. 10. Andrew (do) the test before, so he (find) it very easy. 11. I (not, laugh) at the joke because I (hear) it before. 12. When I (find) my wallet I (discover) that somebody (take) the credit cards out of it. 13. I (feel) cold because I (stand) outside for over two hours. 14. I (play) tennis so I (feel) hot and sticky. 15. The children's hair was wet because they (swim) in the sea. 16. I (not, feel) well for weeks before I finally (go) to see the doctor. 17. They (not, eat) when I (go) to see them. They (just, finish) their dinner. 18. I (invite) Ann to dinner last night but she couldn't come. She (already, arrange) to do something else. 19. I was very pleased to see Nora again after such a long time. I (not, see) her for five years. 20. They (drive) for about half an hour when they (realize) they (be) lost. 21. The house (be) very quiet when I got home. Everybody (go) to bed. 22. There (be) a car by the side of the road. It (break) down and the driver (try) to repair it. So we (stop) to see if we could help. 23. Jim was on his hands and knees on the floor. He (look) for his cigarette lighter. 24. We (walk) along the road for about 20 minutes when a car (stop) and the driver (offer) us a lift. 25. When I (arrive), everyone (sit) round the table with their mouths full. They (eat). 26. When I (arrive) Ann (wait) for me. She was rather annoyed with me because I (be) late and she (wait) for a long time. 27. Class (begin, already) by the time I (get) there, so I (take, quietly) a seat in the back. 28. I (see, never) any of Picasso's paintings before I (visit) the art museum. 29. Yesterday at a restaurant, I (see) Pam Donnelly, an old friend of mine. I (see, not) her in years. At first, I (recognize, not) her because she (lose) at least fifty pounds. 30. It is midnight. I (study) for five straight hours. No wonder I'm getting tired. 31. It was midnight, I (study) for five straight hours. No wonder I was getting tired.
32. Wake up! You (sleep) long enough. It’s time to get up. 33. At least two hundred people (wait) in line to buy tickets to the game. Some of them (stand) in line for more than four hours. We (decide) not to try to get tickets for ourselves. 34. He (be) a newspaper reporter before he (become) a businessman. 35. I (feel) a little better after I (take) the medi¬cine. 36. It (rain) hard, but by the time the class (be) over, the rain (stop). 37. Ann (listen) to loud rock music when her friends (arrive) but (turn) it off so all of them could study together. When they (finish), she (turn) it back on, and they (dance) and (sing) for two hours now. 38. Oscar (train) for the Olympics for the last three years and wants to make the national team next year. 39. Tom had a hard time finding a job. He (try) to get a new job for six months before he finally (find) a position at a local community college. Now he has a two-year contract. He (teach) there for only a few weeks, but he likes his job very much. 40. The marathon runner (run) for almost two hours when she (collapse) to the pavement. She (receive) immediate medical attention. 41. We (wait) for Nancy for the last two hours, but she still (arrive, not). 42. He (give) me back the book, (thank) me for lending it to him and (say) that he (enjoy) it very much; but I (know) that he (not read) it because most of the pages (be) still uncut. 43 (put) the £5 note into one of my books; but next day it (take) me ages to find it because I (forget) which book I (put) it into. 44. A woman (come) in with a baby, who she (say) just (swallow) a safety pin.


Ответ дал: Pollinakras
1. I tried contacting my pen pal when I was in the United States, but she changed her address and no one knows where she has moved to. 2. He was very nervous when he first drove in Britain because he hadn't driven on the left before. 3. When I heard his voice on the phone, I knew I had spoken to him before. Then I remembered I had already met him. I also remembered that I hadn't liked him very much. 4. I'm really sorry I was so late last night. – That's OK. We weren't waiting long. 5. Robert moved from Manchester to London in 1988. – How long had he lived in Manchester? 6. We had just started lunch when the telephone rang. 7. Andrew was late for school yesterday. When he got to the classroom, the lesson had started. 8. They were waiting until everyone was ready and then they started the meeting. 9.Did you catch the train yesterday? – No, it had already left when we got to the station. 10. Andrew had done the test before, so he found it very easy. 11. I didn't laugh at the joke because I heard it before. 12. When I found my wallet I discovered that somebody had taken the credit cards out of it. 13. I felt cold because I had been standing outside for over two hours. 14. I had been playing tennis so I felt hot and sticky. 15. The children's hair was wet because they had been swimming in the sea. 16. I hadn't felt well for weeks before I finally went to see the doctor. 17. They weren't eating when I went to see them. They had just finished their dinner. 18. I invited Ann to dinner last night but she couldn't come. She had already arranged to do something else. 19. I was very pleased to see Nora again after such a long time. I hadn't seen her for five years. 20. They had been driving for about half an hour when they realized they were lost. 21. The house was very quiet when I got home. Everybody had gone to bed. 22. There was a car by the side of the road. It had broken down and the driver had been trying to repair it. So we stopped to see if we could help. 23. Jim was on his hands and knees on the floor. He was looking for his cigarette lighter. 24. We had been walking along the road for about 20 minutes when a car stopped and the driver offered us a lift. 25. When I arrived, everyone was sitting round the table with their mouths full. They were eating. 26. When I arrived Ann was waiting for me. She was rather annoyed with me because I was late and she had been waiting for a long time. 27. Class had already begun by the time I got there, so I quietly took a seat in the back. 28. I had never seen any of Picasso's paintings before I visited the art museum. 29. Yesterday at a restaurant, I saw Pam Donnelly, an old friend of mine. I hadn't seen her in years. At first, I didn't recognize her because she had lost at least fifty pounds. 30. It is midnight. I have been studying for five straight hours. No wonder I'm getting tired. 31. It was midnight, I had been studying for five straight hours. No wonder I was getting tired.
32. Wake up! You have slept long enough. It’s time to get up. 33. At least two hundred people were waiting in line to buy tickets to the game. Some of them had been standing in line for more than four hours. We decided not to try to get tickets for ourselves. 34. He had been a newspaper reporter before he became a businessman. 35. I felt a little better after I had taken the medi¬cine. 36. It was raining hard, but by the time the class was over, the rain had stopped . 37. Ann was listening to loud rock music when her friends arrived but turned it off so all of them could study together. When they finished, she turned it back on, and they have been dancing and singing for two hours now. 38. Oscar have been training for the Olympics for the last three years and wants to make the national team next year. 39. Tom had a hard time finding a job. He had tried to get a new job for six months before he finally found a position at a local community college. Now he has a two-year contract. He has taught there for only a few weeks, but he likes his job very much. 40. The marathon runner had been running for almost two hours when she collapsed to the pavement. She received immediate medical attention. 41. We have been waiting for Nancy for the last two hours, but she still hasn't arrived. 42. He gave me back the book, thanked me for lending it to him and said that he enjoyed it very much; but I knew that he hadn't read it because most of the pages were still uncut. 43 I had put the £5 note into one of my books; but next day it took me ages to find it because I forgot which book I had put it into. 44. A woman came in with a baby, who she said has just swallowed a safety pin.
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