Everebody_____by the terrible news yesterday(snocked,was shocked)

Mr.Green____at the Uneversity sinse 1989 (has been teaching,has been taught)

Not much__about the accident sinse that time(has said,has been said)

A new book__by that company next year(will publish,will be published)

He__ the girls name now(remembers,is remembered)


Ответ дал: 1tenderness1

1. was snocked 

2. has been teaching 

3. has been said

4.will be published

5. remembers 

Ответ дал: аня555555

Everebody___was shocked__by the terrible news yesterday(snocked,was shocked)

Mr.Greenas been teaching at the Uneversity sinse 1989 (has been teaching,has been taught)

Not muchsaidabout the accident sinse that time(has said,has been said)

A new bookwill be published by that company next year(will publish,will be published)

He remembers  the girls name now(remembers,is remembered)

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