Andy s parants have redecorated their bedroom. 1) What has changed in Ande s parents bedroom? What hasn t changed there? 0. Mrs Mills has bought (buy) a new carpet. 00. They haven t repainted (repaint) the door. 1. Mr Mills ________ (buy)a new lamp. 2. Mr Mills ______ (repaint) the wardrobe. 3. Mrs Mills ______ (bring) flowers. 4. Mr. Mills (find) a place for a TV. 5. Mrs Mills ______ (decorate) the bed. 6. They ______ (paint) the floor orange.


Ответ дал: galina572319


1. Mr Mills hasn't bought a new lamp.

2. Mr Mills has repainted the wardrobe.

3. Mrs Mills hasn't brought flowers.

4. Mr Mills hasn't found a place for a TV.

5. Mrs Mills has decorated the bed. 

6. They have painted the floor orange.

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