Срочно, помогите!)

Put in have to/has to/had to or must.

0. It's a fantastic film, you must (or have to) see it.

0. In many countries men have to  do miltary service.

1. Sarah is a nurse. Sommetimes she ______ work at weekends.

2. I didn't have any money with me, so I ______ borrow some.

3. You can't park here for nothing. You _______ pay.

4. I eat too much chocolate. I really _________ stop.

5. In tennis you ______ hit the ball over the net.


Ответ дал: SSonechka

1.Sarah is a nurse. Sometimes she has to work at weekends.

2.I didn't have any money with me,so had to borrow some.

3.You can't park here for nothing.You have to pay

4.In tennis you must hit the ball over the net.

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