Помогите пожалуйста Замените предложения реального условия на предложения нереального условия в настоящем или будующем времени

1) i'll buy more expansive present for my mother if i earn more money.

2)my cousin will pierce her ears if her parents buy earrings for her.

3)i'll put on my old jeans when i work in the garden.

4)if she is invited to the New Year party, she wear a fancy costume. Помогите Плизязязяязязя Я буду очень благодарен!


Ответ дал: Adilet777

I would buy more expansive present for my mother if i earnt more money

My cousin would pierce her ears if her parents bought earring for her

I would put on my old jeans when i worked in the garden

if she was invited to the New Year party, she would wear a facne costume.

Эти все second conditional, то есть нереальное условие.













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