5, пожалуйста


GreyBoar: У вас 4 упражнение в учебнике карандашом неправильно сделано. Например предложение 2. я же его для вас сделал, перепишите внимательно, а то будете потом обижаться


Ответ дал: GreyBoar

2 The police officer asked him if he had seen the robbers. 3 The police officer asked him what the robbers were wearing* 4 The police officer asked him how he thought the robbers had got in 5 The police officer asked him what the robbers had taken 6 The police officer asked him if that had ever happened before.

* в 3 можно и had been wearing, но were wearing точно правильно, т к were wearing (at the time of the robbery), т е есть точное время в прошлом

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