выбрать лучший вариант ответа на воарос.
1 Did you see the match last night?
A:of course
B:I agree!
C:No I haven't.
2. Did you go cycling on Sunday?
A:I'd love to.
B: Yrs, I did.
C:No I don't.
3Who was that on the phone?
A:Just a friend.
B: Yes it was
C:I didn't hear it.
4 What's the date today?
A: it's the 25th
B:it's 2012
C:it's Thursday
5 where did you put my laptop?
A:on your desk
B:I didn't want it
C:I really like it


Ответ дал: CANDISS
1) a
2) b
3) a 
4) a
5) a

liza29126: Можешь еще помочь?
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