Задание 4.
Перепишите предложения, поставив глаголы в скобках в подходящую видовременную
1. Tom: _______ you ever _______ (be) to the USA ?
Angie: Yes, I _______ (go) there last year actually.
2. Anna: Oh no! I ______(think) I ________ (lose) my keys! ______ you ______ (see) them
Benny: Well, they _______ (be) by the phone earlier this morning. ______ you _____ (look)
3. Petra: _______ you ________ (know) where Antonio is?
Gerta: Yes, he ________ (be) in his bedroom. He _________ (do) his homework.
4. Amit: I _______ (go) for a walk. ____ you _______ (want) to come?
Ajay: No, thanks. I ______ (expect) a phone call.
5. Pittara: _______ you _______ (see) Sasha recently?
Peach: Yes, this morning actually while I _______ (drive) to work. But, I _______ (not /
speak) to him for weeks.
6. Pascal: _______ you ______ (see) him at the party last night?
Francois: Yes, but he _______ (leave) when we _______ (arrive).


Ответ дал: ZnayuVsyo
1. Have you ever been to the USA? Yes, I was there...
2. I think I have lost my kees. Have you seen them...?
3. Do you know where...? Yes, he is in his bedroom. He's doing his homework
4. I'm going for a walk. Do you want to come?
5. Have you seen..? ... while I was driving, haven't spoken
6. Did you see...? left, arrived
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