7 класс. Придумать 5 вопросов к тексту 34 балла!

Colin's dinner Disaster
Last Friday it was my birthday. I usually go out to celebrate, but this year l decided to cook dinner for my friends at home. What a mistake! As soon as l finished work l went straight home to start cooking because the invitations were for 8 o'clok. First of all,l put the chicken in the oven, then l prepared the vegetables. When l finished peeling, dicing and stirring, it was 6:45 pm. I set the table guickly and went upstairs to get dressed / Meanwhile the smell of cooking filled the house. I was downstairs again by 7:30 pm. I took the chicken out of the oven and arranged all the food nicely on the table. When l finished everything, l had just enough time to go and get some flowers. I rushed out of thr house and guickly walked towards the shops. I bought some beautiful roses and was back outside my front door ten minutes later. Suddenly, l realised l didn't my keys! I ren round the house checking windows and doors. No luck! Finally my friends arrived. At 8:00 pm,everything was ready and everybody was there. The only problem was that we were outside the dining room window, Flowers in hand,watching the perfrct birthday meal go cold.


Ответ дал: Pusski
1.Those who arrived at 8:00? (Друзья)
2.Where decided to cook dinner for friends? (Дома)
3.What he did first?(Засунул курицу)
4.What he had in his hand when he looked at the dish?(Цветы)
5.Where did he go when all done?(МАгазин)
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