I 1) ’ve known (know) Timmy for a long time. We always 2) play (play) together. Timmy 3) can’t (not/can) read or write because he 4) _______ (never/be) to school. He 5) _______ (have) long brown hair since he was born. Не 6) _______ (live) in our house for five years. My parents 7) _______ (take) care of him while I 8 _______ (be) at school. Timmy 9) _______ (not/work); actually he 10) _______ (never/have) a job. This 11) _______ (not/be) strange because Timmy 12) _______ (be) my dog.


Ответ дал: Kalista15
4)he had never been to school.5)he has long brown hair...6)he lives in our house...7)my parents take care of him while I am at school.9)does not work.10)Timmy have never had a job.11)this is not strange because Timmy is my dog.
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