Помогите пожалуиста решить ,Если что не понятно написано есть файл во вложении.

Complete these sentences with a proper word' shares, loss, ea rn, invest, sales, lend, loan.

1. Every month I __5% of my salary in a fund.

2. My friend can always __me money, when the bank is closed.

3. The company spent more than they earned, so it made a __.

4. We hope to increase our __ by 15%.

5. I bought some _ in a Ugh-tech company.

6. The bank gave me a __ of $50,000 to buy a Hat.

7. He can't buy a car because he doesn't __ enough money at his work.



Ответ дал: ПростоЛёка

1. Every month I invest 5% of my salary in a fund.

2. My friend can always  lend me money, when the bank is closed.

3. The company spent more than they earned, so it made a loss.

4. We hope to increase our sales by 15%.

5. I bought some shares in a Ugh-tech company.

6. The bank gave me a loan of $50,000 to buy a Hat.

7. He can't buy a car because he doesn't earn enough money at his work.


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