Write the Present Continuous Form of the verbs in Brackets
30) Mat and Fred ..... (do) a crossword
31) Why ....... (you/cry)
32) She ...... (not go) shopping today. She ...... (visit) a friend.
33)David ...... (practise) kickboxing now.
34) Tina's computer ..... (not work); she can't send emails.
35) Mr White ....... (repair) his car.
Помогите пожалуйста завтра нужно сдать.!


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11
30 are doing
31 why are you crying
32 isn't going-is visiting
33 is practising
34 isn't working
35 is repairing

Виктория1235: Большое спасибо.!
Juliyasha11: Welcome)
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