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тема:Магазин,который мне бы хотелось иметь
8-14 предложения
6 класс

keklolkurlak: На английском?
kseunka: на русском


Ответ дал: mrillakuma9
I would like to have a clothing store. There I prodovat skirts, dresses, jackets, T-shirts and more. In my shop would be a lot of buyers. He would be called a "world pass is beauty." At the entrance I would have all treated with tea and sweets. The children could play in the children's area
Ответ дал: CrazyLiza04
I would like to have a flower shop.It needs to be small and cozy.I think the big flowers were on the walls,and little was on the floor.Also in my store would form.Blue t-shirt,jeans and sneakers.The sign would be would be decorated in pink color.I would sell roses,lilies,tulips.And the money from the sale I would have given in charity.
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