3. Choose the correct item. 1. I have typed ten letters so far / yet. 2. You always forget / are always forgetting to lock the front door! 3. Ivan flies / will be flying to Madrid at this time tomorrow. 4 The play starts / is starting at 8 o'clock. 5. She usually has / is having a big breakfast in the morning. 6 Craig is looking for a new flat these days / on Fridays. 7. They were / have been friends since 2002. 8. The sun sets / is setting in the west. 9. Timothy called / has called me just now. 10. They have known each other since / for five years.


Ответ дал: HoloQwerty
1) far
2) always forget
3) will be flying
4) is starting
5) has
6) these days
7) have been
8) sets
9) has called
10) for

HoloQwerty: поставь как лучшее плиз )
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HoloQwerty: позже только, или завтра, извини(
HoloQwerty: сейчас сам иду делать уроки)
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