Поставьте предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную формы (Present Continuous)
1)They are going to Drama Club tonight
2)You’re coming to me at 5 today
3)We are having fun, we are meeting our friends now
4)He is playing chess at the moment
5)I am lying on my bed


Ответ дал: 8POMOGATOR8
1 They are not
2 You are not 
3 We are not 
4 He is not
5 I am not

Ответ дал: Juliyasha11
They aren't  going to Drama Club tonight- Are they going...?
2)You aren't coming to me at 5 today-Are you coming...?
3)We aren't having fun, we aren't meeting our friends now-Are we having fun...?Are we meeting..?
4)He isn't  playing chess at the moment-Is he playing...?
5)I ain't (aren't)  lying on my bed- Am I lying...?
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