Fill in the gaps with too or enough. Mind the word order. 1. A: Did you go sailing yesterday? B: Yes, it was................. (windy). 2 A: How did you find the Maths test? B: It was.................. (long).I didn't have enough time to finish it. 3 A: Ali, did you understand the lesson? B: Yes, it was.................. (easy) to understand. 4 A: It’s.................. (cold) in here. B: Sorry. I'll turn on the heating. 5 A: Is your little brother going to watch the film with us? B: No. I'm afraid he’s.................. (young). 6 A: Can Tara win the race? B: Yes. She is................. (fast).


Ответ дал: VictoriaAngl
1. too windy.
2. too long.
3. easy enough.
4. too cold.
5. too young. 
6. fast enough. 
Ответ дал: nunny
1 A: Did you go sailing yesterday? B: Yes, it was (windy enough).
2 A: How did you find the Maths test? B: It was (too long). I didn't have enough time to finish it.
3 A: Ali, did you understand the lesson? B: Yes, it was (easy
enough) to understand.
4 A: It’s (too cold) in here. B: Sorry. I'll turn on the heating.
5 A: Is your little brother going to watch the film with us? B: No. I'm afraid he’s (too young).
6 A: Can Tara win the race? B: Yes. She is (fast
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