Напиши по образцу номер 5,6,7


zjdee: Могу помочь лишь с 6 и 7.
милка191: Хорошо


Ответ дал: zjdee
1.There are four rooms in the house.
2. There is a car next to the house.
3. There are two children in the family.
4. There is a sofa in the living room.
5. There is a pencil case in the desk.
6. There are three books in the school bag.
7. There are two sandwiches in the lunch box.
8. There is an apple on the table.
Сейчас пришлю седьмой.

zjdee: 1. There isnt a fridge in the bathroom/
zjdee: 2 There arent toys in the school bag/
zjdee: 3 There arent computers in the garden/
zjdee: 4 There isnt a pensil in the fridge/
милка191: А это какой номер пишите
zjdee: Я сейчас прислала шестой и седьмой.
милка191: Это 7 который вы ща написали
zjdee: Да-с.
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