IV. Use Active or Passive Voice and the correct tense.

1) Not much (say) about this since that time.

2) My friend (write) to me about it several times.

3) All the students (bring) their relatives to the party last night.

4) There (be) no trouble yet.

5) I’m sure you (remember) his name.

6) The post (deliver) to the office in the morning.


Ответ дал: olyaspringart

1) Not much has been said about this since that time. - passive

2) My friend has written to me about it several times. - active

3) All the students brought their relatives to the party last night.-active

4) There has been no trouble yet. - active

5) I’m sure you remember his name.- active

6) The post is delivered/ will be delivered to the office in the morning.- passive

Ответ дал: EnglishMastep
1) has been said.
2) has written.
3. Brought.
4. There has been no.
5. Remember.
6. Will be delivered or is delivered.
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