Срочно до 11:20 по Мск. плз:Восстановите диалог в правильном порядке. - Speaking. - Buy. - This is Kate. - Hellow! - Let’s go to the museum today. - Great! Buy! - Can I speak to Oleg? - That’s a good idea. Let’s meet in an hour.


Ответ дал: helperinenglish

-Hello. This is Kate.Can I speak to Oleg?


-Let's go to the museum today.

-That's a good idea. Let'smeet in an hour.

-Great! Buy!

Ответ дал: MikaIshenko

 - Hellow!This is Kate.Can I speak to Oleg?

- Speaking.

-Let’s go to the museum today?

-That’s a good idea. Let’s meet in an hour.

-Great! Buy!

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