Сочинение по английскому мое любимое время года уровень 3 класса


Ответ дал: galina572319
The four seasons are winter, spring, summer and winter.
I like summer.
In summer there is no school, no homework.
Summer months are June, July and August.
The days are warm and sunny.
The days are long in summer.
I can swim, run and walk with friends.
I can ride a bike.
I like summer!

Четыре времени года - это зима, весна, лето и осень.
Я люблю лето.
Летом нет ни школы, ни домашних заданий.
Летние месяцы - июнь, июль, август.
Дни тёплые и солнечные.
Дни длинные летом.
Я могу купаться, бегать и гулять с друзьями.
Я могу покататься на велосипеде.
Люблю лето!

Аноним: My favorite time of year - Autumn. She is not so beautiful as spring, but it is very special. It is a beautiful time of year, but at the same time sad. Trees wrapped in gold and purple color. Poured rain and we happily jump in puddles. But at this time of the year I want to be sad and cry, after all, leave the bright summer days. But I'm glad to see his friends and tell them about your summer adventures. This is the meaning of autumn, she is strict but wise.
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