Помогите составить на английском языке рецепт омлета. Спасибо. (уровень 5 класс)


Ответ дал: 1234ука

Whisk the eggs with a mixer. First, at low speed, then - at a maximum. Add milk, salt, spices. Once again a good beat. Heat the pan well. Brush with vegetable oil. Pour beaten egg mass. Cook over medium heat for 2-3 minutes. ... The finished dish serve with chopped herbs
Ответ дал: sdskorinova04

You need:

2 eggs, a cup of milk, some salt.

First of all, broke eggs into a bowl and mix them with salt and milk. Then, let pan warm and pour the mixture there. Fry until cooked and your omelet is done! Good appetite!

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