Срочно решите умоляю!
Change thr sentences to inderect speech.1 Why are you tired?My motherChange thr sentences to inderect speech.
1 Why are you tired?
My mother asks....tired.
2 Are you tired?
Mother asks....tired.
3 What is he reading?
I wonder....
4 Is he reading ?
I wander....
5 When does he go to school?
Linda wonders....to school.
6 Does he got to school?
Linda asks....to school.
7 Why do they go by train?
Mark wonders....by train.
8 Do they go by train?
Mark wonders....by train.
9 Where do they go in summer?
Anton wonders....in summer.
10 Do they go to Anapa in summer?
Anton asks....to Anapa in summer.


Ответ дал: KoNSuL16
вставь в пропуски
1. me why i am
2. me if i
3. what he is reading
4. if he reading
5. when he went
6. if he got
7. why they go
8. if they go
9.where they go
10.them if they go 

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