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Put the verbs into the correct tense (Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Progressive)
I (play) football for five years.
My team (win / only) two matches so far.
The others (be / always) better.
Are we not there yet? We (walk) for hours.
But we (cover / only) an area of five miles so far.
I (finish/just) my homework.
I (work) on this essay since two o'clock.
Jane (go out) with Bob for seven years.
Martin (date) three girls this week.
How long (wait / you) for us?


A: (you / play / ever)  tennis? B: I (play / only)  tennis once or twice. And you? A: I (learn)  tennis for two years. B: (you / take)  part in any competitions yet? A: I (participate)  in four contests this year. B: (you / win)  any prizes so far? A: No, I (win / not)  anything yet. I'm not that good yet. (you / enter / ever)  a contest? B: I (swim)  for seven years and I (receive / already)  some trophies.

 Tom: Hi Ana. I (try)  to ring you several times today. Where (you / be) ? Ana: I (be)  at home all the time. But I (clean)  the house all day, so maybe I didn't hear the phone ring. Tom: (you / clean)  everything now? Ana: No, not yet. I (tidy / not)  up the kitchen yet. But why are you here? Tom: Don't you remember? Jane (invited)  us to her birthday party and we (buy / not)  a present for her yet. Ana: Oh, that's right. (you / find out / already)  what she wants? Tom: Well, she (learn)  Spanish for a year and wants to spend her next holiday in Mexico. Maybe we could get her a guide book. Ana: That's a good idea. There is a good bookshop in the big shopping centre. I (see)  some nice books about Mexico there recently.


Ответ дал: eleusyn

I've been playing football for 5 years.

My team has won only two matches so far.

The others have always been better. 

We've been walking for hours.
But we've covered only an area of five miles so far. 
I've just finished my homework. 

I've been working on this essay since two o'clock.

Jane's been going out with Bob for seven years.

Martin has dated three girls this week.

How long have you been waiting for us?
A: Have you ever played tennis?

B: I played tennis only once or twice. And you?
A: I've been learning tennis for two years.
B: Have you taken part in any competitions yet?
A: I've participated in four contests this year.

B: Have you won any prizes so far?
A: No, I haven't won anything yet.  Have you ever entered a contest?
B: I've been swimming for seven years and I've already received some trophies.

 Tom: Hi Ana. I've tried to ring you several times today. Where have you been?Ana: I was  at home all the time. But I've been cleaning  the house all day, so maybe I didn't hear the phone ring. Tom: Have you cleaned  everything now? Ana: No, not yet. haven't tidied  up the kitchen yet. But why are you here? Tom: Don't you remember? Jane invited us to her birthday party and we haven't bought  a present for her yet. Ana: Oh, that's right. Have you already found out what she wants? Tom: Well, she's been learning  Spanish for a year and wants to spend her next holiday in Mexico. Maybe we could get her a guide book. Ana: That's a good idea. There is a good bookshop in the big shopping centre. I've seen some nice books about Mexico there recently.

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