Помогите пожалуйста,я просто тупая.
1 How___butter is there in the fridge?
a) many
b) much
c) some
2 How___bananas are there in the fridge?
a) much
b) some
c) many
3 There are___carrots on the plate.
a) some
b) a
c) an
4 He coudn't go to school yesterday. Because he___ill.
a) is
b) asn't
5 Where___your brother yesteday?
a) was
b) were
c) is
6___you speak English when you were fifteen?
a) Could
b) Can
c) Were


Ответ дал: Vladushka06
1 much
2 many
3 some
4 was
5 was
6 could

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