отзыв на английском языке о книге


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

Not so long ago I read a book by the well-known French writer Jules Verne. The title of the book is "The Mysterious Island".

It is a mystery and adventure novel that was published in 1874. The plot of the book is incredibly interesting. In fact, it is a sequel to Verne's famous "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" and "In Search of the Castaways".  The book tells us about the adventures of five Americans on an unknown island in the South Pacific. The action starts during the American Civil War when five northern prisoners of war decide to escape by hijacking a balloon. The novel tells us how these five people managed to survive on the island, producing fire, pottery, bricks, gunpowder, iron and even a simple electric telegraph... My favoutite character is Cyrus Smith, a brilliant engineer.

The book is full of mysteries which are explained in the end.  There are a lot of humorous and sad episodes in the book. The saddest one is when the five men meet Captain Nemo who tells them his story and dies.

To sum it up I can say the book was so exciting that I couldn't put it down. If you like reading adventure novels, I advise you to read it.

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