Write thesentences in a different way
1)This is our bowl.-
2)It is their cat.-
3)They are their turtles.-
4)It is my collection of books.-
5)This is our school.-
6)It is your rat.-
7)They are our puppies.-
8)It is her kitten.-
9)They are his books.-
10)They are my photos.-
Помогите плиз !!!!


Ответ дал: tatyanasmuseno
These are our bowls
They are their cats
It is their turtle
These are out schools
There are your rats
He is our puppy
These are her kittens
It is his books
It is my photo
Ответ дал: Juliyasha11
1)This bowl is ours.
2) This cat is theirs.
3)These turtles are theirs.
4)This collection of books is mine.
5)This school is ours.
6)This rat is yours.
7)These puppies are ours.
8)This kitten is hers.
9)These books are his.
10)These photos are mine.
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