3f (1,2,3 задания)
3e( 2,3,4 задание)
4a(1,2,3,4,5 задание)
Очень будем благодарны за решение,очень вас просим,помогите,дай бог вам здоровья,кто сделает.



Ответ дал: ysitka
3e  2. what a... how...how... what an... what a... what
      3. a jacket, at Bear's, he thinks it's amazing, it's near the new department store..., £50, he will go to Bear's tomorrow
      4. suit you, good value for money, we go together, have a look, where it is exactly

ysitka: runny nose (насморк)
pepa12345: Спасибо,если можно еще.
ysitka: 2.to to from from of at for on
pepa12345: Огромное спасибо!!если не сложно,помогите еще)
ysitka: 3. 1c 2c 3c 4c 5d 6a 7c 8b 9b 10a
ysitka: 4a 1. full curly pierced bushy bald thin wide plump deep double
ysitka: 2. difficult decisions, bad language, people's rights, peer pressure, general trend
ysitka: 3. under at with of of on on to
ysitka: 4. the prettiest, the most intelligent, better, older, taller, the funniest, the kindest, the best
ysitka: 5. insecure, unhealthy, inconsiderate, uncomfortable, incapable
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