Переведите на английский язык согласно правилам грамматики:
1.Она спросила меня, знаю ли я его родителей. 2. Она спросила, где учится этот студент. 3. Мы хотели знать, вернулся ли ваш брат в Москву. 4. Он попросил нас не разговаривать. 5. Художник спросил нас, можем ли мы показать ему свои картины. 6. Он спросил, где мы достали билеты. 7. Архитектор спросил, кто проектировал это здание. 8. Она просила нас повторить старые слова и грамматику. 9. Он спросил, кто из нас хочет есть. 10. Мы не знали, кто переводил эту статью.


Ответ дал: DjoooEmO
1.She asked me if I knew his parents. 2. She asked where she's a student. 3. We wanted to know if I returned your brother to Moscow. 4. He asked us not to speak. 5. The artist asked us if we could show him my pictures. 6. He asked where we got tickets. 7. The architect asked who designed this house. 8. She asked us to repeat the old words and grammar. 9. He asked who of us wants to eat. 10. We don't know who translated this article.
Ответ дал: Juliyasha11
1 She asked me if I knew his parents.
2. She asked where that student was studying.
3. We wanted to know if your brother had returned to Moscow.
4. He asked us not to talk.
5. The painter asked us if we could show him our pictures.
6. He asked where we had got tickets. 7. The architect asked who had designed the house.
8. She asked us to revise the old words and grammar.
9. He asked who wanted to eat.
10. We didn't know who was translating(had been translating)the article.
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