Помогите с английским плиз!!! Passive verbs



Ответ дал: Juliyasha11
1 was discovered
2 entertained
3 arrived
4 were done
5 were invited
6 discussed
7 learnt
8 painted

ex 2
Minsk was founded
Ancient Troy was found
The first English settlement was founded
The first Olympic Games were held
Vikings were invited
St.Petersburg was founded
Jeans were made

The match was played by them in the evening.
The answers were calculated by them very quickly.
The movie was filmed in black and white by them.
The e-mail was sent by them yesterday.
Our house was built by them ten years ago.
Penicillin was discovered by A.Fleming.
The shop was opened by the shopkeeper at 9 o'clock.  

denteplyakov: Ваше место в раю
Juliyasha11: Я такая же смертная,как и Вы) Надеюсь,помогла)
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