Put the words in brackets into the correct tense.
1. The tiger (be shot) last night?
2. There isn’t any food left. All of it (be eaten)?
3. I can’t fi nd my car anywhere. I think it (be stolen).
4. Those paintings (be sold) next month.
5. That’s a good book. It (be written) by William Saroyan.


Ответ дал: Асичка2003
1. was shoted,
2. was eaten.
3. was stolen.
4. will be sold.
5. is written

Аноним: огромное спасибо не могли бы вы мне еще помочь
Аноним: These sentences do not make sense. Correct them using the passive
1. Cars make in Japan, Germany, Italy and many other countries.
2. Did Hamlet write Shakespeare?
3. The opera Othello composed Giuseppe Verdi.
4. Thousands of people kill in accidents every year.
5. The fi lm Sayat–Nova shot Parajanov.
Асичка2003: смотря что
Асичка2003: так
Аноним: These sentences do not make sense. Correct them using the passive
1. Cars make in Japan, Germany, Italy and many other countries.
2. Did Hamlet write Shakespeare?
3. The opera Othello composed Giuseppe Verdi.
4. Thousands of people kill in accidents every year.
5. The fi lm Sayat–Nova shot Parajanov
Асичка2003: не незнаю
Аноним: Автомобили делают в Японии, Германии, Италии и многих других странах.
2. ли Гамлет Шекспира написать?
3. Опера Отелло состоит Джузеппе Верди.
4. Тысячи людей убивают в результате несчастных случаев каждый год.
5. Пленка Саят-Нова выстрелил Параджанова
Аноним: Put these words in the right order.
1. he / classical / Does / really / prefer / pop / music / to?
2. Picasso / from / What / come / does / country /?
3. has / painted / picture / Who / by / been / this /?
4. humour / Bernard / their / Are / Shaw’s / for / plays / famous /?
5. began / play / Mozart / very / a / to / at / early /age.
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