Образуйте отрицательную и вопросительную форму предложений.
1. We work every day.
2 My sister goes to bed at nine.
3. Usually I have dinner very late.
4. My brother watches TV every evening .
5. We go to the theatre once a month .
6. Kate does her homework.
7. We have a big family .



Ответ дал: parljukljuba
We don't work every day. Do we work every day?
My sister doesn't go to bed at nine. Does your sister go to bed at nine?
Usually i don't have dinner very late. Do you usually have dinner very late?
My brother doesn't watch tv every evening. Does your brother watch tv every evening?
We don't go to the theater once a month. Do we go to the theater once a month?
Kate doesn't do her homework. Does kate do her homework?
We don't have a big family. Do we have a big family?
Ответ дал: Pollinakras
1. We don't work every day.Do we work every day?
2 My sister doesn't go to bed at nine.Does my sister go to bed at nine?
3. Usually I don't have dinner very late.Do I usually have dinner very late?
4. My brother doesn't watch TV every evening .Does my brother watch Tv every morning?
5. We don't go to the theatre once a month .Do we go to the theatre once a month?
6. Kate doesn't do her homework.Does Kate do her homework?
7. We don't have a big family .Do we have a big family?
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