1. (I/be/at the cinema last night.) —___________________ 2. (the children / be / naughty?) —____________________ 3. (we/be/in a cafe when you called.) —________________ 4. (I / be / late?) —________________________________ 5. (she/be/a teacher when she was young.) —___________ 6. (where/we/be?)—_______________________________ 7. (you/be/okay?) —________________________________ 8. (we/be/too tired?) —______________________________ 9. (how/the party/be?) —_____________________________ 10. (they/be/late for the interview.) —_____________________ 11. (you/be/in the garden.) —__________________________ 12. (what/his name/be?) —______________________________ 13. (it/not/be/cold.) —_________________________________ 14. (she/be/beautiful?) —_______________________________ 15. (she/ not/be my wife at the time.) ______________________ 16. (he/be/hungry.) —___________________________________ 17. (why/you/be/late?) —_______________________________ 18. (you/not/be/early.) —_______________________________ 19. (they not/be/in love.) — _____________________________ 20. (we/not/be/in China.) —_______________________________ III. Read this conversation. Put the verbs into the correct form. Sue: Martin! How nice to see you! What (1) ___________(you/do) these days? Martin: I (2)_________(train) to be a supermarket manager. Sue: Really? What's it like? (3)___________ (you/enjoy) it? Martin: It's all right. What about you? Sue: Well, actually I (4)________(not/work) at the moment. I (5)___________ (try) to find a job but it's not easy. But I’m very busy. I (6) __________(decorate) my flat. Martin: (7)__________(you/do) it alone? Sue: No, some friends of mine (8)____________(help) me.


Ответ дал: AngelAnn
я так понимаю все в прошедшем
1 I was at the cinema last night
2 Were the children naughty?
3 we were in a cafe when you called
4 Was I late?
she was a teacher when she was young.
6 where were we
7 were you okay
8 were we too tired
9 how was the party
they were late for the interview.
you were in the garden.
12 what is his name
13 it wasn't cold
14 is she beautiful
she wasn't my wife at the time.
16 he was hungry
17why you were late
18you wasn't early
19they weren't in love
20 we weren't in China

1were you doing
2 trained
3 did you enjoy 
4 am not working
5 tried
6 was decorating
7did you do
8 helped

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